This film is not one that takes itself too seriously. Elizabeth's character (Cameron Diaz) is a female version of many a leading man we have seen in comedies lately. The self obsessed, weed smoking, could care less attitude is one we have seen frequently - although the school setting does give some mileage for new jokes and a different, if somewhat predictable, story of redemption.
Elizabeth's style attracts the attention of Russell Gettis (Jason Segel) who brings some genuine comedy to the movie - much of it centered around her attempts to woo a wealthy supply teacher Scott Delacorte (Justing Timberlake) who has family money, far too much sensitivity and a passion for dry humping. Atlthough Timberlake's character is clearly supposed to be over the top, he doesn't quite take to the role as well as he did as Napster founder Sean Parker in The Social Network.

Some of the smaller roles in this movie make for the best scenes. Lynn Davies makes an appearance as fellow teacher Phyllis Smith, and adds some nice balance to Elizabeth's wild ways with a genuine sense of nervousness and caution in her approach to life. It's supposed to provide a contrast, but there is some comedy, both intentional and unintentional, in their relationship.
Dolphin loving Principal Wally Snur (John Michael Higgins) plays his part well and interacts nicely with the other characters. The end of year speeches are a perfect reflection of the awkward work team address and his excitable, animated discussion with various members of the faculty are hilarious in parts.
Bad Teacher was never going to be a great comedy, but it's not particularly bad either. If you have a cinema pass like me an a couple of hours spare one evening you could certainly do worse.
Bad Teacher: 2.5/5
(I think I'm going to have to start rating out of 10...)