With this in mind Transformers: Dark of the Moon was really impressive. While the storyline may have lacked depth, this is definitely a film where the special effects and action sequences drive the movie rather than the other way around.
You have to realise that Transformers is a film about robots fighting - it really doesn't get more geeky than that. If you're expecting an intelligent plot with gripping dialogue and multiple themes you're going to be thoroughly disappointed.
The special effects in this film are absolutely phenomenal. Just at the time you start to think that the action is too fast paced and you can't actually see what's going on, they slow things down for you, adding nicely to the flow of the film.
The interweaving of the films plot with American History is a little weak and somewhat unnecessary in places, but it at least places some context on some of the events.
Shia LaBeouf does a good job in his return as Sam, and although his relationship with one of the robots is a little difficult to buy at times, his dialogue and general demeanor fit well with the rest of the cast.

The short appearances by Sam's parents are almost entirely pointless and could have easily been removed as they add practically noting to the film. You never feel like the relationship between them and Sam is genuine, and the banter about his getting a job is lost in the wider plot.
Megan Fox was always going to be a tough act to follow in the leading Lady stakes, but Rosie Huntington-Whiteley makes a genuinely beautiful alternative. She's also British, so director Michael Bay scores extra points there. They do utilise her in one too many beautiful-girl-in-front-of-epic-action slow motion shots but outside of that she does as good a job as can be expected in that type of role.
Overall Transformers: Dark of the Moon is a great crack at a sequal, and the special effects make up for pretty much everything else that's lacking. If you'd like to go and see a movie about robots fighting, then you'll love this, if you're looking for an in depth, dialough based throught provoking movie, you're probably better off going to see something else.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 7/10
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